011188 VER 4.0
Art Director, Designer, Photographer ︎︎︎

I was in high school photography class in the days we still used film. Our class had just recieved our first computer loaded up with Photoshop. The assignment that day was to make an ad for our photography “business.” I booted Photoshop up, threw my five best photos on an 8.5x11 sized document, and surrounded them with a gross amount of decorative vector graphics, super deep drop shadows, and a typeface that should never be seen again. After printing it out, I went to my photo instructor and asked her, “What’s this called?” She replied, “That’s graphic design.”
Let’s hope I learned something since then huh ︎

My name is Fernando Pino. I'm an Art Director/ Designer based in Boston, raised in Florida, born in New York, and with roots in Paraguay. I've worked on projects for big brands and small brands, both on huge budgets and my own budget. I’ve been mainly in the advertising world but I’m now venturing out into the world of freelance design and photography. I’m a maker from top to bottom, constantly driven by learning and creating new things.

Freelance - Creative Working on my own projects as well as projects with 72&Sunny - Mattel - David & Goliath - Mojo Supermarket - Mullen Lowe - Wolfgang - Doner - Collosus Creative - Vagrants - Parlor Skis - BReel - Dario Calmese.
I used to have my resume here but you can see it on linked in. It just says I’ve been doing this for 15 years basically.
I used to have my resume here but you can see it on linked in. It just says I’ve been doing this for 15 years basically.
When I originally designed this layout it didn’t have a row of boxes here. Because I ran out of links and other parts of this webisite that will probably never be finished, I decided to just write this here and be honest about it. For some reason, I really like bodies of copy as a design element. It takes up space without shouting. If you’ve read this much, thanks for taking the time. I’ll leave you with my favorite quote from the legend himself, Brian Collins- “ You can either be a result of the past or a cause of the future.”
Thanks for visiting. ︎